WHR Registered Black Brangus
WHR, managed by Don and Sue Williams, has a small herd of Registered Black Brangus Cattle. We plan to stay relatively small so that we can better manage the quality of Brangus that we raise. We have embarked on a multi calving season. Below is some information on our bloodlines and breeding practices.
We continued our goal for quality in the 2008 breeding season by going back to the old foundation bloodline of Geronimo of Brinks and using his son from the 789 cow family, McMullen's Geronimo Hotline (PaPa). Two of our bred cows are out of him.
In 2012 we added WHR Geronimo's Transformer 661W (son of "PaPa") to our breeding program and have had a 50/50 split of heifer and bull calves out of him. He is a very easy going bull and loves to be hand fed.
In 2014 we turned WHR Sundance's Ditka 30A in with Sundance's cows. In the picture below he is only 20 months old. This year, 2021, we sold him and have moved Watchman 9U8E1 in with those cows. We also moved WHR T's Challenger 675F, out of Mr. T, in with Watchman's old pasture and cows.
We have several pairs for sale and 2 young bull calves. I will put pictures of the heifers for sale on the Heifer page.The first picture is Miss Willma and her heifer calf Wilma's Challenger.
Please contact us for price information at 903 539-3898 or 903 726-3713.